Sunday, November 8, 2009


I was thinking of going to a Nanowrimo gathering today to work on my novel, socialize a bit, get to know who else locally is doing this and so on. Then I found out the workshop is at Build-a-Bear in Downtown Disney where they'll be making a 'mascot' bear of their lead character. Considering my main character is a woman juggler in steampunk attire, I seriously doubt Build-a-Bear has that in stock, assuming I did have $50 to splurge. Have you seen their prices? And it doesn't sound like any of us will actually be writing. So I'm undecided. Besides I already have a mascot that I bought at Barnes and Noble years ago for Nanowrimo. It's a one eyed monster. I don't really feel like kicking him to the curb for a stupid bear. And if I was going to make a bear, I'd do a oddball looking thing from fabric and trim in my stash.

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